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Becoming Wiser About Your Eye Health

It is no secret that our eyes change as we age.  Favorably, there is a lot we can do to preserve our eye health. A few of the most common age-related vision problems are glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic eye disease, retinal detachment, and macular degeneration. Early detection and prevention are crucial with many of these conditions,… Read More

What is Low Vision?

What Is Low Vision? Low vision is a vision problem that makes it difficult to do everyday activities. Low vision is not correctible with surgery, glasses or contact lenses. This type of vision loss does not include complete blindness because there is still some sight, and low vision can sometimes be improved using visual aids – which are… Read More

Eye Surgery in Boca Raton, FL

Diabetic eye disease refers to a group of vision complications that affect patients with diabetes. Diabetes has the potential to damage the blood vessels in the retina, potentially causing diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, or glaucoma, all of which can lead to vision loss and blindness. At Mitchell Eye Center we offer patients comprehensive eye exams, eye… Read More

Tips to Help Dry Eye

We just celebrated the first day of winter, which means the winter season is in full swing! The chilling effects of the colder months, your environment, and your wardrobe are not the only parts of your life that need winter preparation; our bodies and health are often affected just as much by the winter changes…. Read More

Holiday Toy Safety

The holiday shopping season is in full swing, a fun time making holiday memories with family and friends that will last for a lifetime. In support of Safe Toys Month, we want to empower our patients this month with information that includes a few safety guidelines when choosing the perfect gifts for the little ones… Read More

Smoking and Your Eyes

It is a countdown to the end of the year and almost time to wave goodbye to 2021. Many people are beginning to think about their goals for 2022, and for some people, quitting smoking is their top goal. The most common health effect that comes to mind when we think of smoking is lung… Read More

We are thankful for YOU

This Thanksgiving season, it is essential to acknowledge the things we are grateful for in our lives, and we give thanks to all of our patients. The doctors and staff of Mitchell Eye Center have the opportunity to touch so many people’s lives in such a unique way, and we see patients all the time who… Read More

All About That Botox

All About That Botox Botox® is a type of cosmetic injection with the potential to give you younger, less tired looking skin. It is the only cosmetic injection treatment that can improve the appearance of crow’s feet, frown lines, and wrinkles on the face. Moreover—medically approved in 78 countries worldwide—it is the most trusted form… Read More

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